Week 02 :: Scripting Fundamentals

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Algorithms, Pseudocode and Getting Going

Algorithms are sequences of instructions for solving a problem
Algorithms can be used as a form of 'pre-coding' useful in developing an approach to a problem later translated into computer code
Algorithms can be created in natural language, diagrams, flow-charts or pseudo-code
Pseudocode is an informal way of expressing an algorithm using structure of code but omits details not needed to understand the algorithm
Pseudocode is useful transition state between natural language or diagramed algorithm to actual code

Basic Syntax

Expressions and Statements

Processing is Whitespace agnostic
Expressions are a group of variables, values, functions, etc, that evaluate to return a value.
Expressions group mathematical operations together into useful lines of code
Statements are the building blocks of code. Expressions alone are not complete 'thoughts' in code until something happens with the expression.
Terminators end statements of code
Function calls are complete statements // rect() or println() for example
processing provides shape primitive functions for drawing simple shapes // for example rect(), triangle(), ellipse()



void setup() {} // creates a function that executes once at beginning of your program
void draw() {} // creates a function that executes until the program is stopped


Use comments to document your code or prevent lines of code from being compiled
Single Line Comments: //
Multi-Line Comments: /* ... */

Debugging Techniques

Use comments to temporarily remove lines of code.
Use println() to write to the text console in the processing environment


Variables are a way to store information in the computer's memory
Variables are an address to that portion of memory that contains the data
Variables have 3 parts: type, name and value


Integers // whole numbers
Floats// decimal numbers
Characters // single characters
Strings // groups of characters
Boolean // true or false

Data Typing and Conversion
Variable Scope



Symbols to execute a mathematical operation

Multiplicative: * / %
Additive: + -
Relational: < > <= >=
Equality: == !=
Logical OR: ||
Assignment: =

Logical Operators (OR, AND, NOT)
Within a mathematical expression, the Order of Precedence will determine the order in which operators are performed

Shorthand Operators

++ -- Increment and Decrement
+= -= *= /= %= Operator with assignment


Processing includes many higher level math functions that you can call. Below are a few you might find useful.
See the processing language reference for a complete set.

abs() absolute value
dist() distance between 2 points
ceil() round up to next highest integer
round() round a float to the nearest inetger
lerp() linear interpolation



Trig functions are very useful in creating computer graphics. Ira Greenberg's trig primer may be useful to you to remind yourself about the basic rules of trig.

Angle Conversion

Trig functions in processing take radians as their argument.

Radians = Degrees * π/180
Degrees = Radians * 180/π
An easy short hand for working in radians is that 1/2 a circle (180 degrees) is the same as PI (π)
180° = PI
0° = 0 radians
45° = PI / 4 ~or~ PI * 0.25
90° = PI / 2 ~or~ PI * 0.5
135° = PI * 0.75
270° = PI * 1.5
360° = 2 * PI

Processing includes handy conversion functinos:


Given an input angle(in radians) returns a value between -1 and 1.
Return value starts at 0 and descends.
Given an input angle(in radians) returns a value between -1 and 1.
Return value starts at -1 and ascends.
Returns the radian angle toward a point given [y,x].
Note the reversal of the coordinate pair.



Branch code and run different blocks of statements based on a boolean condition

If Statement
If/Else Statement


Structures for repeating tasks until a condition has been met

For Statement
Embedded For Statment

Clock Examples

Example: Time01

int h;
int m;
int s;

void draw() {

    // get time
    s = second(); // Values from 0 - 59
    m = minute(); // Values from 0 - 59
    h = hour(); // Values from 0 - 23

    // draw the time
    line(s, 0, s, 33);
    line(m, 33, m, 66);
    line(h, 66, h, 100);

Example: Time02

float hourHeight = 100.0;
float hourWidth = 40.0;
float minHeight = 100.0;
float minWidth = 60.0;
float secHeight = 100.0;
float secWidth = 60.0;

int h;
int m;
int s;

void draw() {

    // get time
    s = second(); // Values from 0 - 59
    m = minute(); // Values from 0 - 59
    h = hour(); // Values from 0 - 23

    // 12 hour clock
    h = h % 12;
    // draw the time
    fill(255, 0, 0, 128);
    ellipse(33, 50, h/12.0*hourWidth, h/12.0*hourHeight);
    fill(0, 255, 0, 128);
    ellipse(50, 50, m/60.0*minWidth, m/60.0*minHeight);
    fill(0, 0, 255, 128);
    ellipse(66, 50, s/60.0*secWidth, s/60.0*secHeight);


Example: Time03

int h;
int m;
int s;

void setup() {

void draw() {

    // get time
    s = second(); // Values from 0 - 59
    m = minute(); // Values from 0 - 59
    h = hour(); // Values from 0 - 23

    // 12 hour clock
    h = h % 12;

    // draw the hours
    for(int i=0; i < h; i++) {
        rect(20, 30 + i*10, 155, 5);

    // draw the mins
    for(int i=0; i < m; i++) {
        rect(105, 20 + i*10, 30, 5);

    // draw the secs
    for(int i=0; i < s; i++) {
        rect(120, 40 + i*3, 25, 1);

Assignment for next week.

Set up your website

Pratt provides web space for everyone with an email address. Email me your URL for the class once you're done.
See the directions.

Exercise #2: Interpretive Clock

Create an applet that displays time using graphical intrepretation rather than traditional digital numeric display. Use the time data to drive a graphical system rather than focus on mapping the graphical system to the time data.

See some clock inspiration...


The Digital Computer as Creative Medium by A. Michael Knoll